What is WA MEAT UP all about?
It’s about catalyzing collaboration and entrepreneurship along every link of the niche meat supply chain in Washington State. Our aim is to inspire change, build resilience, foster viable farm and food businesses, and promote an accessible processing and distribution system for all regions of our state.
It’s a collaborative effort.
MEAT the Team
It all started when…
The WA MEAT UP initiative was launched with a Leadership Summit held at the Seattle Culinary Academy on August 26th, 2019. Over 75 attendees had a choice of field trips in surrounding areas focused on: On-farm livestock infrastructure and wrap/pack at Jubilee Farm, Carnation Farms, and Falling River Meats, OR a peak into the processing and value-added sausage and cured meats industry with Uli’s Famous Sausage and Salumi Seattle.
Field trips were followed by the Leadership Summit which began with a locally sourced lunch, complete with lamb kabobs from BCS Livestock. A "State of the State" presentation featured speakers from the Methow Conservancy, Bright Ide Acres, Falling River Meats, Restaurant Bateau, King County Agriculture, and Salumi. All Leadership Summit participants then worked together in an active community process where ideas and realities were shared by producers, processors, restaurateurs and retailers, resource providers, as well as policy and decision makers. The whole day was capped off by an informal networking happy hour at Optimism Brewing.